
Efficient and sustainable micro data centres

How sustainable is your data centre?

According to the International Energy Agency, data centres use about 1% of global electricity and produce 0.3% of worldwide carbon emissions, with these figures expected to rise as digital technology expands.

Companies face increasing pressure to meet sustainability targets due to stricter environmental regulations, investor demands, consumer preferences for sustainable brands, and the broader need to combat climate change. This has led businesses to adopt innovative strategies for compliance and sustainability.

Traditional data centres often lack energy efficiency due to the high power needed for cooling. In response, many organisations are turning to micro data centres, which offer a cost-effective and scalable alternative for data processing.

How sustainable is your data centre | sustainable data centres | Zella DC

The sustainable advantages of micro data centres​

All our products are designed with energy efficiency in mind. They use advanced cooling and power management technologies to minimise energy consumption and reduce the carbon footprint of data processing.

Energy efficiency

Our micro data centres are designed to be highly efficient and optimise energy consumption, with a PUE as low as 1.2.

Waste reduction

MDCs modular design enables scalable infrastructure that minimises resource over-provisioning and electronic waste.

Assets, monitoring
Localised computing

Minimise data travel distances to lower the carbon emissions linked to data transmission.

Battery power
Renewable energy

Our DC range makes it easier to connect to renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, or hydro power.

Small footprint
Reduced infrastructure

By reducing infrastructure, you will reduce the carbon emissions associated with construction and maintenance.

Zella Sense
Intelligent automations

With Zella Sense Advanced Intelligence and Automation you can optimise your cooling and overall energy usage.

Explore our range of efficient indoor and outdoor micro data centres

Zella Pro | sustainable micro data centre | Zella DC

A green micro data centre

At Zella DC we have developed a range of micro data centres designed to be user friendly, efficient, secure and compact. The Zella Pro is at the core of all our products and has been designed with sustainability in mind:

Helping you meet your sustainability targets

Our micro data centres redefine the landscape of equipment management at the edge. The cutting-edge features of Zella Sense enable organisations to streamline operations, save valuable time and resources, and enhance control over their edge equipment. By harnessing the power of Zella Sense, organisations can maximise their budgets and resources, ensuring efficiency, reliability, and peace of mind.

Save time and resources

Real-time alerts and telemetry

Eliminating the need for on-site expertise

Get in touch!

Find out how our products can help you meet your sustainability targets.

Further reading